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Название: English idioms as the representation of the linguistic worldview
Другие названия: Идиомы английского языка как отражение языковой картины мира
Авторы: Guzikova, Valentina
Дата публикации: 2022
Издательство: Магілёўскі інстытут Міністэрства ўнутраных спраў Рэспублікі Беларусь
Краткий осмотр (реферат): This article touches upon the issue related to the examination of national and cultural components contained in the structure of numerous English idioms. The etymological origin of certain idiomatic expressions of the national character is of much attention which promotes to reveal peculiarities of the behavior of representatives of different ethnic groups, and can be served as the representation of the corresponding linguistic worldview as well. Learning idioms of any language is important and necessary for the development of cultural ties, friendship and cooperation between countries and nations.
Описание: Guzikova, V. English idioms as the representation of the linguistic worldview / V. Guzikova // Thesaurus : зб. навук. пр. / Магілёўскі інстытут МУС. ‒ Магілёў, 2022. ‒ Вып. 10 : Камунікацыя ў эпоху постпандэміі. ‒ С. 39‒43.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://elib.institutemvd.by/handle/MVD_NAM/6659
Располагается в коллекциях:T H E S A U R U S. Выпуск Х. Камунікацыя ў эпоху постпандэміі. (Магілёў, 2022 г.)

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